Make YOUR presence known!

It is estimated that internet use is increasing by 1,000,000 users a year..
There are 95 THOUSAND users in the East Texas area.
Shouldn't you let them know about YOU ?


What you do Services you render
Products you sell

Office phone number, directions, address

Hours of operation Money Making Hobby

Look Here for a Sample One-Page HomePage  

1  Page Web Sites Start At Only $100

Additonal Pages with links, $55.00 per page. ~  Other rates on request.

Banner Sponsorship - $25.00 per month, payable in advance.

Banners run from the 1st day to the last day of each month.

Your One Page websie includes 2 photographs or logos, unlimited lines of client supplied text. Buttons, icons, and backgrounds from my libraries are included. Custom graphics work is separate and will be priced according to the difficulty or complexity of the images, animated banners, etc.  requested.

Because my source code and images on the web pages are easily downloaded once they are online,  50% of the price for web sites must be paid in advance.  A private URL will be setup for you to view your web site as it is being created. The final payment will be made upon completion of the project.   If desired a printout of the finished job will be provided via regular mail for your approval.

Copyrights for all images that we create are reserved by InterNet Publishing, unless otherwise agreed upon.  InterNet Publishing reserves the right to retain and use a copy of our client's web site, as it was originally designed, in a web site portfolio.

InterNet Publishing reserves the right to include a credit statement, in small type, at the bottom of the first page of each web site we create.

We Site We Have Created

CH Marine-Boats sales and Repair Doreen's Bed and Breakfast
Century 21 Country Gold Caffey & Associates Real Estate Appraisers
Asphalt Control Systems, Inc. Bethy Creek Marina East Texas HomePage
Lake   Livingston  &  East Texas On-Line Harmon Creek Marina and Resort
Lake Livingston HomePage Whites and Stripes Guide Serivce

Internet Consulting:  I can teach you the basics on using the Internet, Netscape and Microsoft Explorer browsers, HTML softwear basics, preparing a homepage for yourself or your company, and uploading your page to the internet. Even a Novice can learn!

Requirements: Hardware and HTML softwear on site, internet access and knowledge of how to use Windows 95.

If you have any additional questions, we will be happy to assist you with an answer.

Rent a Spot


Or Call (409)566-4907 or (409)967-4911



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